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The Webcomic List

First off, HOLY CRAP 10,000 views and Sirius has a new comic... I'll post the link once I remember it

. Second, continue to visit Shonen Punk! A great comic that I came across the other day.

Book Four is also now in the works.

Also add your voice to The Summoners Fourm so we can get to know everyone!

Artist's Rant!!!!


Writers Rant!

Not much to say, novels in the works, sequel almost finished, and the Commander Fuzzles saga is getting a new addition.

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix

Summoners is owned and ruled over by Blitz and whoever the current artist is so don't screw with them!

Summoners is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.